UPDATE: Three Little Blackbirds Farm has relocated from North Texas to the Hudson Valley, New York. We sold our farm in Texas in November 2022, and moved to Upstate NY in December 2022. We are currently near Old Chatham, Kinderhook and about 25 minutes from Hudson, New York.
Follow along with our New York adventures on our new Instagram page
Take a tour of our Texas Chicken Coop
Our Chickens:
We raise many different types of laying hens, but our speciality breeds are Lavender Ameraucana (self-blue), French Marans (Black Coppers & solid Black) and our Olive and Avocado Eggers – Fun! Our chickens are free-ranged on pasture and fed a diet of 100% organic and non-gmo feed from whole grains grown in the Pacific Northwest. We supplement with treats of dried larvae, fresh and dried herbs, organic seeds and fresh veggies. They are free to forage on untreated grass and all the fresh bugs they can find while soaking up the sunshine and dust bathing their little hearts out. ALL DAY LONG. Just the way a chicken’s life should be!
NPIP Certification:
Our NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) certification number is 74-4428. NPIP certification means that our birds are regularly tested to ensure they are Pullorum-Typhoid free and that our chicks, adult chickens and hatching eggs are free and clean of disease or infection.
Because chickens have very delicate immune systems and are easily susceptible to deadly and contagious diseases, we have strict bio-security measures in place on our farm. We do not allow anyone on the property by our chicken coops or their pasture areas in an effort to eliminate potential harmful outside bacteria to our flock. We do allow tours of the coop a few times per year. No handling of our birds unless you are purchasing them to take home. We take the health of our birds, and the other animals that live on the farm, very seriously.
Take a look around and feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. Thanks for being here!
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