We offer farm-fresh, organic, non-gmo, pasture-raised eggs by the dozen to our LOCAL CUSTOMERS ONLY. no shipping*
About Our Hens
At Blackbirds Farm, our hens are treated like royalty. They are 90% free range and pastured on fresh untreated grass. They spend their day dust bathing, lounging in the sun, chasing after bugs, digging up worms and munching on grass. Their diets are supplemented with 100% organic GM free, corn free and soy free whole feed. The chickens are also fed meal worms for extra protein and organic vegetable scraps and clippings right out of our veggie garden. Flax meal and/or chia seed is added in for a healthy dose of Omega 3 fatty acids in the eggs. Their fresh drinking water is enhanced with probiotics and apple cider vinegar, and omega-3 boost powder. Periodic feedings of protein-rich alfalfa and calendula flowers keeps the yolks of the eggs a beautiful rich orange hue along with the fresh grass they ingest each day. They are also fed sourdough starter discard from time to time which they LOVE and it gives them a rich nutritional boost of amazing probiotics.
Our hens lay their eggs on a combination of sweet hay and wheat straw sprinkled with aromatic dried herbs known for their relaxation and natural pest repellent properties. Clean and fresh nesting boxes equal clean eggs!
Quality Guaranteed
Fresh eggs are gathered from the coops on the farm several times each day. They are placed directly into egg cartons and kept cool until their day of delivery/pickup that same week. We try our best to keep the size of eggs in each carton consistent, but on rare occasion you may receive and egg or two that is larger or slightly smaller than the rest. This happens because younger hens can lay smaller eggs when they first begin to lay and some hens may lay a larger egg due to there being two yolks in the egg shell. We call this a “double-yolker” and if you get one, don’t worry – it’s a freebee and it’s completely normal and…consider yourself lucky!
The eggs we sell are clean and unwashed. This means that the natural protective coating called the “bloom” remains on the shell of the eggs and therefore protects them from contamination. This also means the eggs stay fresher for longer and DO NOT REQUIRE REFRIGERATION (in outside temperatures over 80 degrees, refrigeration will extend the freshness of the eggs and is recommended and encouraged).
*We do our best to make sure the eggs are as clean as possible. Since the eggs are hand gathered from the coops, you may occasionally find a small feather under an egg in the carton or small smudges of dirt on an egg or two. We like to think it adds to the character and charm of buying directly from an organic farm that doesn’t believe in scrubbing and bleaching practices. If you feel the need to wash your eggs, we recommend you do so just prior to consuming. Wash each egg separately (do not soak the eggs in water) using a water temperature 20 degrees hotter than the egg itself. Dry eggs immediately. Note: Never wash eggs in cool or cold water.
FARM FRESH EGGS: Some qualities of farm fresh, pasture-raised eggs can be quite different from what you buy in a grocery store. Egg sizes can vary within each dozen such as large, small, medium or extra large. Eggs with cloudy whites means the eggs are very fresh. Clear egg whites are also fresh but have sat at least a couple of days. Blood spots or meat spots are completely safe and do not indicate a bad or spoiled egg, but you can remove them before consuming if you’d like.
Our Egg Cartons
The egg cartons we use are made from 100% recycled and organic materials. Each dozen of eggs is adorned with sprigs of fresh or dried seasonal herbs and/or flowers from our gardens. We reuse our egg cartons as often as possible until they are torn or soiled. Returning your clean empty cartons on your following delivery day is always encouraged and appreciated!
Sorry, but we do not ship our eggs for consumption. If you want to supply your address and inquire whether we deliver to your area/neighborhood, please contact us.